
 * @file
 * Additional functionality for HTML5 details elements.

(function ($) {
   * Open parent details elements of a targeted page fragment.
   * Opens all (nested) details element on a hash change or fragment link click
   * when the target is a child element, in order to make sure the targeted
   * element is visible. Aria attributes on the summary
   * are set by triggering the click event listener in details-aria.js.
   * @param {jQuery.Event} e
   *   The event triggered.
   * @param {jQuery} $target
   *   The targeted node as a jQuery object.
  const handleFragmentLinkClickOrHashChange = (e, $target) => {
    $target.parents('details').not('[open]').find('> summary').trigger('click');

   * Binds a listener to handle fragment link clicks and URL hash changes.